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Japanese Masterpiece showing Surprisingly in Omoshiroi Block – 3D Memo Pad

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The Japanese art has surprised the world countless times. Careful, careful and creative come in every detail and smallest item. Recently, Omoshiroi\’s notepad has once again impressed the online community. Not just an ordinary pad, this is truly a work of art. With precision and meticulousness, artisans have arranged shapes and colors into masterpieces of creative art.

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Kiyomizu Temple – one of the famous Japanese temples during the red leaf season

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Miracles gradually show up after each tear


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The freestyle memory pieces


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This is truly a work of art


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Omoshiroi Block – Paper masterpiece. Slow-motion video recreating “journey” appeared full of surprise


The cultural and architectural symbols of Japan are perfectly reproduced. Does anyone think a basic office tool can turn into a work of art?


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Tower works Tokyo – Japan


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Osaka Castle


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Asakusa Temple


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